
Columbia University // Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation

Professor Ziad Jammaleddine

Fall 2014

The typology of the mosque similarly poses an interesting challenge. Typically the mosque exists as an object removed from the city. It is centrally organized and it looks inward towards its courtyard. Perhaps in fragmenting the courtyard and rearra…

The typology of the mosque similarly poses an interesting challenge. Typically the mosque exists as an object removed from the city. It is centrally organized and it looks inward towards its courtyard. Perhaps in fragmenting the courtyard and rearranging its parts, the mosque could engage the urban fabric in a new way allowing for unplanned programmatic uses of these spaces.

The site of Camlica mosque is challenging. It is an immensely steep hill. As one ascends one experiences a grade change of over 15 meters (approximately 45 feet.) Perhaps this new configuration of the courtyard typology could work with this site creating moments of interest and rest embedded in the complex. This would make the hill much more accessible.

Furthermore, the natural setting of the site begs for a complimentary program, which would, makes use of the landscape and create a destination. As a camping ground, the mosque would function to house those who made he pilgrimage up the hill. This mosque would provide a retreat from the busy streets of Istanbul below.

The timeline above demonstrates the many iterations of the elements of a mosque throughout time. After a quick overview, it is evident that certain elements must always be represented including the courtyard.

Mosque through Time

The timeline above demonstrates the many iterations of the elements of a mosque throughout time. After a quick overview, it is evident that certain elements must always be represented including the courtyard.

Figure-Ground Plan

The fragmented mosque and courtyard must work with the site and hug the contours of the hill. This defines the courtyard section-ally creating half atrium spaces.


Celebration of Procession

the mosque could engage the urban fabric in a new way allowing for unplanned programmatic uses of these spaces.